August 6, 2024

Published on 6 August 2024 at 08:19

We've been very busy over the last 3-4 weeks with quite a bit of fun mixed in with our travels.

South Lake Tahoe (July 17-22)

Jim had his annual "guys" trip with friends from college.  He's known many of them for 25+ years. There were a total of 13  for this trip. They shared a few beers and many laughs at a cool rental house. 

Dana had fun at the RV park in Tahoe and discovered a great local public park across the street for long walks with Gracie.

We enjoyed the cooler weather and laid back vibe of Lake Tahoe and look forward to visit again next year. 

Goodbye California fuel prices. We were paying between $5.39 to $5.69 a gallon for diesel.  After arriving in Nevada, then Utah and on to Colorado, thankfully these prices went down to $3.38 to $3.59 a gallon. We'll be driving 10,000 + miles a year and while towing we only get 11 miles to the gallon, so the reasonable fuel prices are a welcome relief.

Strangely, the quality of roads and freeways improved in these states as well providing us a smoother ride:). 


Salt Lake City (July 23 - 30)

After a quick overnight in Battle Mountain, Nevada it was on to Salt Lake City to visit our son Shamus. We had a great time with him. 

From BBQing on his rooftop, playing games, enjoying a few great dinners out, and taking a chair lift up to the top of the mountain of Deer Valley ski resort in Park City for a day of hiking - we were busy and had fun. 

The campground in SLC was good and thankfully security was tight as the surrounding neighborhood had many homeless folks. 

Marathon training in the heat at altitude has been difficult for Jim

Moab, UT (July 30 to August 4)

We knocked off 2 National Parks on our list with visits to both Arches NP and Canyonlands NP while in Moab. 

The weather was oppressive with days of 100+ degree temps. We had to get back to the air conditioned RV before noon.  Even exercising at 5:30 am was difficult with the heat. 

The sights were magnificent and we were overwhelmed with the beauty.  We took multiple hikes at each park and took numerous photos.  Below is a small sampling of some of the wonders.  The pictures don't do justice to their splendor. 

Silt, Colorado (August 4th to 6th)

Stayed 2 nights in Silt, Co. Went to Black Canyon National Park for a day.  Very Grand Canyon-esque in appearance. 

The sheer depth and height of the walls (over 2250 feet is impressive. Not much hiking as mostly you drive around and do a few hundred feet walk to an overlook on the side of the cliff (not good for those of us fearful of heights). Driving the park near the rim wall was a white knuckle experience.

RV park was great with lots of activities and relaxing environment.

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Shelly Firebaugh
2 months ago

You two sure are inspiring! Makes me realize that there’s so much of the US that I have yet to see! Thanks for taking all of us on this journey with you!

2 months ago

Hey Shelly,

Let us know if you and Bret have any trips planned around the US and maybe we can meet up. Take care.

Pete margaretich
2 months ago

So cool glad you guys are having a great time on your adventures. Love seeing shamus and Utah it’s such a great place to see . Look forward to the next blog

2 months ago

Thanks Pete. Let's definitely get together in Capitola or Mountain View when we are back in California.

Martin Magaña
2 months ago

Awesome to see you two doing this trip. Enjoy the travels. Stay safe.

Judy Price
2 months ago

Oh Dana... :-)
With all of these wonderful photos and comments,
You need to save it all and make a book of your travels.
What a wonderful thing to have for your senior years to look back on. :-)

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